Product & Engineering

Show me don’t tell me: how Strata is engineered for skeptics

At Strata, we strive to be a ‘show, don’t tell’ company. Our customers have our unwavering commitment to do what it takes to:

  1. prove that our software works and…
  2. help them be successful.

Strata’s founders have been in the identity industry for more than 25 years, so they’ve seen firsthand the frustrations caused by software not meeting customers’ expectations. Intentional or not, it’s hard for companies to avoid ‘overselling.’ As a result, prospective customers are often skeptical about claims of what software can do.

As self-proclaimed skeptics ourselves, things needed to be different with Strata and our Maverics software.

We recognize that the world of multi-cloud and Identity Orchestration is a new one. Naturally, there are questions that need answering when it comes to working with a new paradigm. We are committed to answering your questions before you commit to making a purchase. Chances are, you have these basic questions:

  • Does this Maverics software work?
  • Does Maverics do what we need it to do?
  • Will it work with my apps and in my environment?
  • Will Strata be there when I need them?
  • What is Strata like to work with?

We believe that once you see Maverics in action, working with your own apps and infrastructure, you’ll be thrilled to deploy it (just like our existing happy customers). We hope when you work with the Strata team you’ll have the confidence that you’re in good hands, knowing that you have the entire Stata team backing you.

How do we deliver on this ‘Engineered for Skeptics’ promise? It’s an easy two-step process known as ‘Learn It and Prove It’.

Learn It

This stage offers a no-nonsense way to learn what Maverics can (and can’t) do. Don’t like talking with sales? Try warming up with one of our videos to learn about multi-cloud identity and how Maverics Identity Orchestration works

When you’re ready, you can talk with our no-pressure sales team. They are happy to help you. We can start a conversation at your convenience by scheduling a demo or calling 1-888-552-4930. We promise never to spam email or cold call you (we hate it when that happens to us).

Prove It

This stage offers a straightforward way to see how Maverics works firsthand starting with a demo and even a rapid proof of concept (POC) and then jump-start into production. In less than 30 days.

Express Demo: See Maverics in action with a live demonstration with one of Strata’s distributed identity experts. You can sign up for an Express Demo here: Sign up and see a personalized demo of Maverics working against live apps and identity systems. You’ll be connected with a dedicated Strata expert to answer your questions. You can also watch a recorded demo of Maverics right away.

Express POC: See Maverics work in your environment with your apps and your identity infrastructure. After completing an express demo, qualifying organizations can sign up for a complimentary Express POC. We’ll work with you to discover your environment, set up an Identity Fabric, and work using our solutions using one to two test apps. We do this remotely through Zoom or Microsoft Teams and you are always in control. Express POCs typically take less than eight hours of your time, spread over three days.

For more complex scenarios Strata offers custom pilots on a time and materials basis. If you’d like to learn more about this please email us at [email protected]

Express Start Deployment: Deliver quick wins for your organization and get Maverics into production in less than 30 days with Express Start deployments. Strata offers a rapid ‘get to production’ option that will get the base Maverics implementation in place, integrated, and orchestrating in 30 days. We bring a team of highly experienced implementation engineers who have done thousands of IAM implementations over the years. You can be confident that if it can be done then Strata will get it done.

Strata also offers custom implementation options to help deploy Maverics across your enterprise. We work with leading systems integration companies to deliver on a global scale. If you’d like to learn more about our implementation services please email us at [email protected]

We are committed to your success with identity orchestration and multi-cloud identity and hope you find our approach a refreshing change. We look forward to working with you.

Modernize any app with any IDP in minutes. Join the 'Orchestration Kitchen' workshops.

Eric Olden

Strata Co-Founder, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer